So my question  towards you guys is.
Is nothing even possible? I mean  literally  nothing no time,no space,no matter, no photons,no leptons,no you,no me.
                     It is impossible right?? ...so i think the universe or the multiverse always existed,will continue  to exist .. and continue  to change .and ofcourse i am only talking about the known universe. Who knows what all else is out there? lol
                    Just one microsecond before the big bang, all the energy, all this mass and all this space was compressed in a tiny thing which is no bigger than an atom or to make it even more confusing, it did not occupy any space..even the electrons need space to exist, even photons,leptons,quarks, all these subatomic particles need space to exist. Then how did it exist? It blows our mind when we think about it. All these cosmos squeezed into an infinitely small dot!! With infinite  density. That was our universe  almost 14 billion years ago and our scientists  call this period    
                       "INITIAL SINGULARITY"

 (1 lightyear=distance light travelled in one year which is 9.4607×10¹² km nearly 6 million million miles..speed of light= 299792.458km/second.And the diameter observable universe is 93 billion lightyears)
to be continued 


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