
Hey guys. Its been two days since i wrote a blog. I think the blog writing honeymoon  phase is over,lol.when i stared this blog i knew how to start this blog and i knew how to end it .the middle part is the toughest i never thought this would be this tough to write the fact is that i have an idea how to present it but when i do so i understand i have so much to bind togather.

My frnd has asked whether i will include parallel universe and dimension thats when i understood how wast this thing is. I want to cover bigbang formation of stars and planets,evolution of life,history of mankind,
First living thing is believed  to be a single cell oraganism. From that this bilions of species of animals and plants came ..all this bacteria,virus,protozoa,tardigrades,insects every living thing came form that single cell oraganism atlest thats wat theory of evolution  says. U share a common set of genes with the cockroach in ur kitchen and a flower in your garden,every living thing on earth has common genes to each other. By the way genes make up this proves that we all came from a common ancestor.
So if u rewind time time now u will se all life will go back in too that single cell. That will be atleast 4 billion years ago give or take. We dont knw how it was formed but there r theories  which i will explain in my later blogs. And if we rewind to last,all the things in the universe end up in The intial singularity. We all came into existence  from singularity. This is the story of existence..


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